Automatic frame processing – dane system

Automated industrial printing

Fully automatic frame processing system – a true novelty.

We have for the first time in the world and based on our many years of experience developed a fully automatic frame processing system.  The system uses frames that come directly from the printing machines into this system and successively undergo ink/stencil, pre-drying, drying in pass-through magazines, coating, drying, imaging CTS, scanning exposure, developing and controlled drying – and finally the frames come out ready for printing.

All dane machines are designed to be part of a fully automated dane system.  This means your existing dane machine(s) are never out-of-date and can easily be integrated into the dane – full automatic frame processing system.

Facts About Frame Processing

The realization of a fully automatic frame processing system is ‘a dream come true’.

We combine a number of our reliable and thoroughly tested machines into a single system, and this has proven a real success. With the use of correct chemicals, the system delivers the same fine result over and over – much to our customers satisfaction. The various machines in the system are constructed following strict environmental guidelines, and all materials used are durable and thoroughly tested.

The system complies with contemporary standards and is equipped with the latest PLC technology. We combine these various machines and magazines into a fully automatic line that complies with your exact specifications and requirements.

Effecient, Clean & Economical

– Fastest return on investment
– Save money on personnel
– Minimal service and maintenance
– Low consumption of electricity
– Minimized consumption of water
– Minimized consumption of chemicals
– Low environmental impact

Manufactured according to:

CEN NORM 1010-1/2
CE marked

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    Quality symbols

    Our machines fulfil a variety of needs, but several quality details are recurring features of each machine. Therefore, we have created these quality symbols to be shown for each machine, if it meets our high standards. The symbols are our guarantee to you, our customer.

    Fully automatic

    Environmentally friendly

    Machine Components from approved international suppliers

    Proven construction

    CE marked

    Minimum space required Fast and easy installation

    Good, safe workplace

    All materials are fully resistant to chemicals

    European Committee for Standardization

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    High quality machines since 1964