Split Machine – dane split 50
Compact high-quality front and back split machine
History & Experience
The dane split 50 saw the light at Groenlund Machine Works in the early sixties and has been a flasgship of Dane Machinery since the beginning. dane split 50 is an ultra-reliable and high-quality product with a dependable history behind it. This is why over 50 years later, the basic concept and design still applies today – however it now implements the latest technology as well.
dane split 50 is constructed to provide extreme perfection and high output on front as well as back splits of even the thinnest types of self-adhesive materials. Based on our advanced high quality steel cylinder, unique cutting blades and feeding system, the dane split 50 can provide a constant large volume output of a very high quality.
Flexibility & Operation
The cutting depths and the distance between cutting heads of the dane split 50 can easily be adjusted. The unique knives of carbide tungsten metal have an extremely long life and therefore secure a constant, reliable and precise cutting result. Furthermore, on the dane split 50, it is possible to move the feeding table sideways, making your production more flexible.
The basic construction is of high quality steel and manufactured according to CEN NORM 1010-1/2 and is CE-marked.
Economy & Efficiency
Our dane split 50 secures the lowest possible consumption of electricity for any machine in its class. Combined with a minimum of service, maintenance and ‘make-ready’ time, result in a remarkably efficient machine. The dane split machine insures that your production runs economically and you receive a fast return on your investment.
If you want a dependable, economical, efficient and high-quality cutting result of front and back splits, the dane split 50 is the perfect choice for you. Once you have chosen a dane split machine, we are confident that you will be yet a another satisfied Dane Machinery customer.
Manufactured according to:
CEN NORM 1010-1/2
CE marked
For higher volume production see our Dane Split 100 front and back split machine.
See our amazing product line in action
Quality symbols
Our machines fulfil a variety of needs, but several quality details are recurring features of each machine. Therefore, we have created these quality symbols to be shown for each machine, if it meets our high standards. The symbols are our guarantee to you, our customer.
Fully automatic
Environmentally friendly
Machine Components from approved international suppliers
Proven construction
CE marked
Minimum space required Fast and easy installation
Good, safe workplace
All materials are fully resistant to chemicals
European Committee for Standardization
we ship worldwide
Call us at +45 3234 6000 or by email: ggroup@ggroup.dk
High quality machines since 1964